
Presentation at the Round Table "Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development in the UNECE Region

On January 20, 2021. General Director I.V. Shpurov spoke at the round table "Extractive industries and sustainable development in the UNECE region", held by the United Nations (UN). The event was attended by over 120 participants - representatives of Eurasian countries. In his report, Igor Shpurov stressed that "Russia is actively involved in the development and implementation of programs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, aimed at providing the population with affordable and clean energy to maintain the ecological balance in the areas of its production and consumption. Of course, this can be achieved not only by switching to environmentally friendly types of energy, such as solar, wind and other alternative energy, but also by developing traditional technologies.

#For example, Russia is actively introducing "green" technologies in exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons, allowing the maximum possible preservation of environmental integrity. For such a program to be implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible and to bring us closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, it is necessary to create tools allowing, through close international cooperation, to create such technologies and to ensure the attraction of investments for the implementation of extractive industry projects".
2021-01-20 11:00